Nations must pay their debts in gold ( if asked) and, allowed to choose its home, free gold will always go where ( 1) it will be safest and ( 2) make the most money. 如果债权国要求,债务国必须用黄金偿还债务,而如果允许自由流通,黄金通常会流向(1)最安全的国家,和(2)最有利可图的国家。
But the idea of a common gold standard entails the free passage of gold from country to country in settlement of international balances, in stabilizing the world's moneys in terms of gold. 但在进行国际结算时,通用的金本位制将导致黄金在国家之间自由流通,以稳定各国货币与黄金的兑换比例。
The first world war also destroyed the foundations of the 19th century economy: free trade and the gold standard. 一战还摧毁了19世纪经济的两大基础:自由贸易和金本位制。
He is a man known for espousing the merits of free markets and private business – but is not calling for the abolition of the Federal Reserve or a return to the gold standard. 他以拥护自由市场和私营企业的优越性著称,但不会呼吁废除美联储(Fed)或者回到金本位制。
An economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market and the gold standard. 提倡自由竞争,自我调整的市场和金本位的经济理论。
The lesson that must be learnt from this disaster is that "free market" capitalism under a fiat money regime does not produce the same blessings ( sustainable prosperity) that are produced by true free market capitalism within a monetary system anchored by gold. 必须要从这场灾难中汲取的教训是:与以黄金为基石的货币体系下真正的自由市场资本主义相比,法定货币制度下的“自由市场”资本主义没有带来同样的福音(可持续的繁荣)。
The SCO in part changed that and now they and the public are winning the war for a fair and free gold and silver market. 上海合作组织部分改变那一切,和现在它们及大众打赢一仗,为公平和自由的黄金和白银市场。
The AP reports one prominent retailer, Tiffany& Company, has expressed concern about child labor and frustration that it can't certify its products are free of gold mined by youngsters. AP报告说,一个显著的零售商,Tiffany&Company为童工问题感到很担忧,同时表示很沮丧,因为不知道自己出售的金子是不是由童工生产的。
A free banking system based on gold is able to extend credit and thus to create bank notes ( currency) and deposits, according to the production requirements of the economy. 一个建立在黄金(储备)之上的自由银行系统是可以根据经济体的生产要求,来发行银行票证(现金货币)和保证金来达到扩展信用(规模)的。
Technically, we remained on the gold standard; individuals were still free to own gold, and gold continued to be used as bank reserves. 从技术上来说,我们仍然保留着金本位制:个人仍然可以自由地拥有黄金,黄金仍然被银行用来作为储备。
On the free market right people argue that if only we went back to the gold standard or ended fractional reserve banking, all would be well. I question such claims. 说起自由市场,右翼人士声称,如果我们回到金本位制、或者结束银行部分准备金制度,那就万事大吉了。我对这些说法表示怀疑。
A fully free banking system and fully consistent gold standard have not as yet been achieved. 从来都没有一个充分自由的银行系统以及始终坚持的金本位制存在过。
Cyanide Free Technology for Gold Imitating Cu-Zn-Sn-Co Alloy Electroplating on Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics 玻璃钢无氰铜锌锡钴合金仿金电镀工艺研究
Ores have been highly oxidized, and gold is mainly present as free submicroscopic gold. 矿石氧化程度高,金主要呈游离态次显微金形式存在。
The free cyanogen determinator is used to make density analysis of free sodium cyanide in the cyanide leaching solution of gold ore. 游离氰测定仪用于金矿氰化液中的游离氰化钠浓度分析。
Data will show compatibility between the lead and cadmium free gold conductor and a variety of RoHS compliant solderable conductors to allow for its use in mixed metallurgy circuits. 数据显示无铅无镉金导体和RoHS规定的可锡焊导体之间的匹配性,结果表明它可以应用于混合金属电路。
The design and practice of standing shot in a free gold mine 某金矿含金层松动爆破的设计与实践
The concentration of free cyanide is one of the main control indices for gold extraction liquid of cyanidation. Electrode poisoning is the main difficulty in free cyanide monitoring of cyanidation liguid with silver ion selective electrode. The poisoning ion is determined by electron probe analysis. 游离氰浓度是氰化提金液的主要控制指标之一.用银离子选择电极监测金矿氰化液的游离氰其主要困难在于电极中毒.通过电子探针分析确定了中毒离子;
Ultra-fine-pitch wire bonding may make some parameters to their physics extreme, require the free air ball and bonded ball of smaller diameter and the diameter of gold line adopted. 超细间距引线键合将部分参数推向其物理极限值,要求更小直径的金球(FreeAirBall)和键合球(bondedball),所采用的金线直径更小。
The polyfoam has the features of high absorptivity and stability for gold in the acid medium, and has become one of the important methods to concentrate free gold in the lab. 聚胺脂泡沫塑料在酸性介质中具有对金的吸附率高、稳定性好的特点,已成为室内富集游离金的重要方法之一。
Cyanide-free Nitrite Gold PLating 无氰亚硫酸盐镀金
In recent years, according to the difference between the soil over gold deposits and the free gold in the normal soil, the authors 'have made a preliminary success in adsorbing gold by means of polyfoam in the field. 近几年来,作者根据金矿体上部土壤和正常土壤中游离金的差异,初步试验成功了在野外现场用泡沫塑料吸附找金的新方法。
Review of the method of alcoholic distillation cyanide free desorption of gold laden carbon 载金炭的酒精蒸馏无氰解吸法评述
Study on Plating Rate and Stability in Cyanide Free Bath of Electroless Gold Deposition 无氰化学镀金镀速及稳定性的研究
Free gold is about 91.6% of the total gold and the ore is easily to process. 单体金占总含金量的91.6%,为易选金矿石。
A cyanide free process for gold imitation plating on plastic surface was advanced with pyrophosphate as complexing agent. 采用焦磷酸盐为络合剂研究出一种塑料无氰仿金电镀工艺。
In order to achieve its pricing power, China should speed up the free convertibility of RMB and increase the international flow of gold. 加快人民币自由兑换,增加黄金在国际间流动,从而实现其获得定价权。
Oxidation of HPC not only provided free electrons to reduce gold ions, but also lead to the breakage of HPC molecular chains. HPC的氧化不仅为金离子的还原提供了自由电子,同时还导致了HPC分子链的断裂。
With large-scale gold mining, free milling resources increasingly depleted, refractory, low grade gold deposit will become the main resources of gold industry. 随着金矿的大规模开采,易浸的金矿资源日渐枯竭,难处理、低品位金矿将成为今后黄金工业的主要资源。